Financial report 2006-2007

November 18 2007, Categoría: Misc
It is our pleasure to present a summary of our financial operations of the year.

From May 2006 to May 2007, we have raised a total of $47,992.19. You can see the origin of the donations in the following table.

Country - Total
USA - $11,874.31
Canada - $9,526.29
Switzerland - $9,359.26
Italy - $7,570.43
France - $5,285.29
Korea - $2,478.91
Japan - $1,089.55
Holland - $539.65
Other - $268.50
Germany - $4.50
Total $47,992.19

These donations were either sent directly to our website through paypal or were the result of fundraisers organized by benevolent people in their communities.
The board elected to sponsor three operations. Fahir from Burkina Faso, the lovely girl with the yellow scarf on her head in our logo, Kone from Ivory Coast who is now our spokesperson in this country and another young girl in Europe who prefers to stay anonymous. Her operation was performed by Dr Foldes in Paris and was taken as an opportunity to train Dr Marci Bowers, the first doctor to volunteer to help us in Burkina.

Here is a summary of our expenses:
3 Operations $5,017.4 ($539 in Burkina Faso and $4478.4 in Europe (Note: Dr Bowers paid her fare and accommodation; this money was used only to pay Dr Folders and help the young girl to travel to the operation location)
Land $2,100
Materials for construction $13,540
Video Tapes for recording $ 511
Administration $ 771.31 Web hosting, Non-Profit status request, mailing.

Our goal is to raise a minimum of $42,000 as soon as possible in order to finish the building of the hospital and starts the real operations!